Sunday 9 February 2014

We're all weird and wonderful deep down.

A few days ago, I attended my very first Lit Hub. For those of you who aren't quite sure what I mean, its a kind of meeting where writers (aspiring, professional or otherwise) come together to discuss well...writing. Cool eh?

I approached the meeting with a whole lot of angst.

What if they don't like me? What if I'm the youngest? What should I wear? What if I'm not good enough?! 

I had no idea what to expect. When one thinks of a group of writers getting together, one certainly doesn't have in mind a group of kids with pencils, a notebook and the structure of a narrative on the board. Because in all honesty, that's me right there. I'm only a writer by hobby, I don't have any notable experience or a degree in creative writing. I've certainly never had anything published. I found myself imagining a group of men in pin-striped suits, smoking cigars and tapping away at typewriters. It did register in my head that this notion was completely ridiculous, but in my nervousness my mind couldn't seem to conjure anything more probable. 

By the time I'd arrived I'd almost convinced myself it was a bad idea. I knew nothing of the world of writing, only the stuff I'd put down on paper myself. But by then of course, it was too late. I was there. My fate was sealed. I determined then, to think of myself as a simple House Elf at Hogwarts. I would not be seen or heard, I'd just listen and learn. 

All of my worry was completely unwarranted though. As it turns out, whilst they were all from completely different walks of life, writers are pretty damn cool people. We were all of different ages, interests and life styles. All from different places, all of varying experience in writing. Yet, because of our single, common variable, the talk never stopped. As to be expected, we were all a little weird and wonderful. I found this oddly comforting though, knowing that I wasn't the only one with my head fixed firmly in the clouds (or in the next galaxy, wink wink). 

Without a doubt, I know that I will learn a lot from the group in the coming weeks, and in all honesty I can't wait. Its turning into a very exciting year! 

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