Sunday 6 April 2014

Thank god for cats

So I haven't had a chance to post recently and I'm so sorry about that. The aeroplane that is my life has just hit an unexpected pocket of air and been blown quite a few miles off course. 

To elaborate, I've lost a few friendships for reasons that are completely beyond me, I've just learnt today that my roommate will be moving out, leaving me with the weight of replacing him, bills I can't wrap my head around and essential furniture I'll somehow need to find at a price I can afford. As an 18 year old working only part time and juggling uni as well, my budget is tight indeed. 

To top it all off I have exams and assignments and my cert 4 to worry about. And then of course there's my relationship crisis I've yet to review. Mostly because I've stashed all those feelings away in a cupboard I'm too scared to open for fear of overwhelming our Shadow Hunter protectors with more demons than they can possibly handle. Or, that's what I tell myself anyway. 

All in all, I'm very thankful for my cat, without whom I might possibly have gone insane. I'm also thankful for ice-cream...and the copious amounts of chocolate I've consumed in the past week. Although I'm not thankful for what it's done to my hips. 

But, there's something to learn from in all this. Actually, there's quite a few things to learn. 

When you find yourself bogged down by things that just seem entirely out of your control, when nothing seems to be going right and your life seems to be one big emotional cyclone, you need to hunker down, review your supplies and get ready to slay some fucking zombies.  In other words, don't, for the love of all things good, let it get to you. As soon as you panic and freeze up, you become a zombie buffet. And no one wants to be a zombie buffet. 

Essentially what I'm trying to say is that you need to calm down, make a list, prioritise and decide the best way to deal with your problems. And you can always, always be sure that pretty soon you will be okay. The best and worst thing about time is that it is constant. You can always be certain that eventually, someday in the near distant future, everything will have blown over and you'll be able to look back and say, I survived. And you know what? You'll be a better person for it.