Monday 30 December 2013

The Beginning

So here I am, sitting on the edge of my bed, laptop resting on my bright pink doona, a glass of water in one hand and my brain completely empty of any witty or exciting one-liners to open my first blog post with. 

I thought it would be easy you know? Set up your blog, make it look pretty and BAM start sharing your ideas, thoughts and opinions with the world. Its such an exciting idea after all, I couldn't help but jump on the band wagon. 

But its not easy. I'm just your average girl. I have an uncontrollable obsession for ice-cream, a frightfully overcrowded bookshelf and a not-so-secret adoration for all things Disney...but I don't have a degree, important role in society or a vast knowledge base to share with you all. 

What I do have is passion. I'm passionate about all things creative. I guess you could say that I'm a bit of a dreamer. I strongly believe that the world is only limited by the depths of our imaginations. Perhaps the biggest representation of the capabilities of the human imagination is embodied by our books. 

I love books, I love writing, I love words. Words are beautiful.

(Facebook is literally my own personal hell. The next person who posts a status update with that monstrosity they dare to call a word, 'yous'...


 If only Facebook had an 'Ideas Box', I think an automated spellchecker is in desperate need.)

My biggest passion is writing. Its also my biggest problem. I've always wanted to be an author, I can't remember a time when I didn't. But I lack motivation and persistence. I can't simply stick with something until the end. I lose interest and eventually stop altogether. Which is where this blog comes in. 

I want to share my passion with the world, but I also want to find my motivation. Whilst I'm by no means an expert in Astrophysics and I certainly don't posses a Doctorate in Psychology or the like, I can share with you my life experiences, my trials and tribulations and I can bore you all with my intermittent rants about the general stupidity of drivers in Queensland.

And maybe, I can help others to find their motivation and their passions as well. I sincerely hope so.

On that note, good luck with your New Year's resolutions!